ponedeljek, 24. avgust 2015

Have dragons really existed?

Dragons are the ones who have always steered up our imagination. Were they real or not, do they still live in some remote landscapes? Some people say they were real, some claim opposite. Anyhow, they really are scary fire breathing creatures.

Dragon tales are known in many countries, from China, America to Europe and India. Book of Job is the fist known book that mentioned dragon. It was Leviathan, a sea monster in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament.

IMDb has published top 12 best Dragon Movies list.

1. DragonHeart (1996)
2. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
3.The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies(2014)
4.Dragon Storm (2004)
5.Reign of Fire (2002)
6.Dragonheart: A New Beginning (2000)
7. Dragon Crusaders (2011)
8.Dragon Hunter (2009)
9.Dragon Fighter (2003)
10.Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse (2015)
11.Eragon (2006)
12.Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)

In the popular series Game of Thrones (GOT), dragons are magical creatures, which existed on the continents of Westeros and Essos, and were considered to have been extinct up until recently. The only remainins of dragons were stone eggs, until Daenerys Targaryen managed to hatch three of these dragon eggs.

Also, Chinese legend is talking about dragons. According to a legend, a boy (Huang-Di) was born with dragon-shaped birthmark. He was destined to overthrow the ruthless ruling Emperor and provide the troubled Chinese people a peaceful life. The credit of Emperor Huang-Di grand power in China was due to the symbol of dragon. It is believed that Huang-Di went to heaven because he was immortalized by the emblem of dragon. Many Chinese consider him their antecedent. 

Children love different dragons and beast. They adore to draw them, but can sometimes find it complex. Parents can download different drawing apps from the online stores, which will help them with it. How to draw a dragon step-by-step is also available, which can be of great help to kids. It can be a fun activity, which friends and family can enjoy together.

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