ponedeljek, 13. julij 2015

These Astonishing Facts Of Tyrannosaurus Rex Will L eave You Awestruck!

When it comes to dinosaurs, who would ever forget to mention the great carnivorous beast
tyrannosaurus rex? T.rex is one of the most terrifying creatures that stalked the planet once.
So, are you excited to know some of the amazing facts about it? Well then, read on to know
the thrilling facts.

A Complete tyrannosaurus skeleton is just a dream yet!
Scientists have succeeded to discover about fifty skeletons of it, but none of them can be stated as
complete. Among all these skeletons, the one that has gained much popularity and is greatly impressive is called Sue. It is named after a woman, who discovered the bones on her land
situated at South Dakota.

Was it a scavenger or hunter?
It is indeed the most popular among all the dinosaurs, still there are many areas that are left
to be discovered in case of T.rex. One of the most widely asked question about it since ages
was that whether it can be called as scavenger or a hunter.

How to Draw T-rex

T.rex probably has had the strongest bite no other creature could ever beat.
It is really difficult to estimate the power of the bite of a creature that has been obsolete for about more than 65 million years. Nevertheless, the brainy scientists of the Liverpool University greatly believe that they know the answer. They developed a computerized model that allowed them to compare and analyze the T.rex with modern carnivorous creatures. They found out that its bite was very powerful, so powerful that can never be beaten by any other creature. This predator’s bite is considered to be even three times more powerful and stronger than a huge white sharks. Isn’t it amazing?
So, if you too are wondering how to draw dinosaurs, just remember to think about its dangerous bite to get your sketch complete! Moreover, be sure to get influenced by its other facts too.

Their little arms were much stronger than you could ever imagine
T.rex has gained plenty of the ridicule because of the small arms that they had. In fact, they  looked funny on a giant creature such as T.rex. Moreover, they had hardly been in use by  the creature itself since they couldn’t even reach to the mouth of it.

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